Cryomodule Performance of the Main Linac Prototype Cavity for Cornell's Energy Recovery Linac

Energy Recovery Linacs (ERLs) require strong damping of higher-order modes in main linac cavities to avoid beam loss from beam break-up effects. In addition, the cavities need to have very high intrinsic quality factors to minimize the size of cryogenic plants in CW cavity operation. We present world record results for a fully equipped multicell cavity in a cryomodule, reaching intrinsic quality factors at operating accelerating field of Q0(E =16.2 MV/m, 1.8 K) > 6.0×10 and Q0(E =16.2 MV/m, 1.6 K) = 1.0×10, corresponding to a residual surface resistance of 1.1 nΩ, which is more than three times better than the Q0 design specification.