Distributed Operation of a Military Research Micro Satellite Using the Internet

Abstract : PICOSat is a micro-satellite carrying four research payloads for the United States Air Force two ionosphere measurement payloads, a vibration damping system, and a polymer battery. It was built by Surrey Satellite Technology Ltd (SSTL) under contract to the Space Test Program of the United States Air Force and is based upon SSTL's standard microsatellite bus. PICOSat was launched in September 2001 and is operated by SSTL from its control center in Guildford, UK under contract to the USAF. To increase the data return from the mission, a second groundstation was installed at the USAF Academy in Colorado Springs, which is remotely controlled from the SSTL operations center via the open Internet. SSTL provides low cost access to space with its range of nano, micro and mini satellites, and this philosophy requires low cost spacecraft operations. Networking a number of low cost groundstations via the Internet can provide a cost effective solution to increase the data return from the mission, and increase operations flexibility. This paper will discuss the PICOSat spacecraft and the operations concept for operating the mission. An overview of the protocols will be presented along with the issues regarding the use of the open Internet for control of a spacecraft.