The ability to pattern proteins and other biomolecules onto substrates is important for capturing the spatial complexity of the extracellular environment. Development of microcontact printing by the Whitesides group ( in the mid-1990s revolutionalized this field by making microelectronics/microfabrication techniques accessible to laboratories focused on the life sciences. Initial implementations of this method used polydimethylsiloxane (PDMS) stamps to create patterns of functionalized chemicals on material surfaces1. Since then, a range of innovative approaches have been developed to pattern other molecules, including proteins2. This video demonstrates the basic process of creating PDMS stamps and uses them to pattern proteins, as these steps are difficult to accurately express in words. We focus on patterning the extracellular matrix protein fibronectin onto glass coverslips as a specific example of patterning. An important component of the microcontact printing process is a topological master, from which the stamps are cast; the raised and lowered regions of the master are mirrored into the stamp and define the final pattern. Typically, a master consists of a silicon wafer coated with photoresist and then patterned by photolithography, as is done here. Creation of masters containing a specific pattern requires specialized equipment, and is best approached in consultation with a fabrication center or facility. However, almost any substrate with topology can be used as a master, such as plastic diffraction gratings (see Reagents for one example), and such serendipitous masters provide readily available, simple patterns. This protocol begins at the point of having a master in hand.
Lance C Kam,et al.
Local presentation of L1 and N‐cadherin in multicomponent, microscale patterns differentially direct neuron function in vitro
Developmental neurobiology.
Lance C. Kam,et al.
Patterning Hybrid Surfaces of Proteins and Supported Lipid Bilayers
N. Stanietsky,et al.
The interaction of TIGIT with PVR and PVRL2 inhibits human NK cell cytotoxicity
Proceedings of the National Academy of Sciences.
William Shain,et al.
Preferential glial cell attachment to microcontact printed surfaces
Journal of Neuroscience Methods.
C. S. Chen,et al.
Geometric control of cell life and death.
Lance C Kam,et al.
Micropatterning of costimulatory ligands enhances CD4+ T cell function
Proceedings of the National Academy of Sciences.
George M. Whitesides,et al.
Features of gold having micrometer to centimeter dimensions can be formed through a combination of stamping with an elastomeric stamp and an alkanethiol ‘‘ink’’ followed by chemical etching
S. Boxer,et al.
Cell adhesion to protein-micropatterned-supported lipid bilayer membranes.
Journal of biomedical materials research.