Competencias tecnológicas del profesorado en las Universidades españolas
In this article we describe and present the results of our research “ICT Competences to teach in public universities: indicators and proposals to define good practices”, founded by the Ministry of Education (project reference: EA2009-0133). The project was directed by M.Paz Prendes Espinosa, teacher in the University of Murcia (Spain).
Quality evaluation of teaching in Spain needs an important effort to unify criteria and quality indicators refered to objective aspects and also refered to subjective aspects that could be evaluated. In this field of research we are based on the idea of ICT as a basic competence of teachers to develop their work.
About the method, in the first phase of the research we search and analyse the indicators about technological competence of tearches, both spanish and international institutions. These lists of indicators were analyzed by experts and then clasified into categories. We constructed a theoretical model about ICT competence in high level including competences about administration, teaching and researching. Based on this model we design a questionnaire for university teachers that was answered on line. Whit this survey we have obtained a wide and comprehensive description of the state of the art about ICT competences in university teachers.