Competitive Strategy, Economics and Information Systems: Introduction to the Mini-Track
This full-day mini-track has four sessions covering current research themes on competitive strategy and economic analysis, coupled with leading managerial issues in IS and e-commerce. The first session is on the Economics of Network Pricing Mechanisms and Electronic Markets. Karl Lang and Roumen Vagrov of the City University of New York discuss “A Pricing Mechanism for Digital Content Distribution over Peer-toPer Networks.” They model a usage-based pricing scheme for distributing digital content via P2P networks that rewards users who actively participate in the distribution process. Hemant Bhargava of the University of California at Davis and Daewon Sun of Notre Dame University contributed “Quality-Contingent Pricing for Broadband Services.” To resolve consumption uncertainties, they propose the use of contracts involving proportional rebates and threshold quality-contingent pricing. Anindya Ghose of New York University, and Rahul Telang and Ramayya Krishnan of Carnegie Mellon University examine the “Welfare Implications of Electronic Secondary Markets.” They elaborate on new modeling findings that suggest that the presence of used goods in the market should not be a deterrent for valuemaximizing sellers to participate.