Adding value to performance management with business metrics
A great deal of system and human effort is expended to collect detailed technical measurements. These measurements are usually stored in some form of a Performance Database, or PDB. However, these data do little to help us understand the purpose of those systems: supporting our business. These basic performance measures tell us very little about the systems’ business value. To understand that business value we need to collect data about the work being performed in business terms. That data could be stored, along with selected technical measurements, in a Business Metrics Database, or BMDB.
[1] Tim Browning. Forecasting Computer Resources Using Business Elements: A Pilot Study , 1990, Int. CMG Conference.
[2] Teymoor Rashid. Hardware Projections Using Natural Forecasting Units , 1993, Int. CMG Conference.
[3] John M. Reyland. The Use of Natural Forecasting Units , 1987, Int. CMG Conference.
[4] Chris L. Molloy. ITIL Capacity Management Deep Dive , 2005, Int. CMG Conference.