Requirements traceability can in principle support stakeholders coping with rising development complexity. However, studies showed that practitioners rarely use available traceability information after its initial creation. In the position paper for the Dagstuhl seminar 1242, we argued that a more integrated approach allowing interactive traceability queries and context-specific traceability visualizations is needed to let practitioner access and use valuable traceability information. The information retrieved via traceability can be very specific to a current task of a stakeholder, abstracting from everything that is not required to solve the task.
Ilka Philippow,et al.
Motivation Matters in the Traceability Trenches
2009 17th IEEE International Requirements Engineering Conference.
Steve Riddle,et al.
Overcoming the traceability benefit problem
13th IEEE International Conference on Requirements Engineering (RE'05).
Jane Cleland-Huang,et al.
A visual language for modeling and executing traceability queries
Software & Systems Modeling.
Matthias Jarke,et al.
Toward Reference Models of Requirements Traceability
IEEE Trans. Software Eng..