Active noise reduction in a satellite communication system

1. A method of suppressing co-channel interference in a satellite communication system, the satellite communication system includes a receiving antenna having a plurality of antenna elements, each antenna element is adapted to issue respective antenna element signal, the method consists in the fact that: each digitized antenna element signal and process each digital signal of the antenna element for separating the received signal components in respective frequency channels present in the signal component; calculating complex weighing values ​​for one or more of a plurality of beam signals derived from the received signal components in at least one of frequency channels; tune one or more of the derived beam signals in accordance with the calculated complex weighting values ​​in at least one frequency channel; ipodavlyayut interference in at least one received signal beam in said at least one frequency channel using the one or more adjusted derived beam signals to provide an output signal with suppressed pomehoy.2. The method of claim 1, wherein the satellite communication system further comprises a plurality of beam forming networks, the method further consists in the fact that digital weighting is performed in each of said circuits corresponding beamforming beamforming weight values ​​of said signal components in each of said frequency channels to receive signals from the signal beam sostavlyayuschih.3. The method of claim 2, wherein the receiving antenna comprises antenna Ant