A Study on Application of New & Renewable Energy for Environmental-friendly Planning of Rural Villages - Analysis of Solar Energy Resources -

Solar energy, which is one of renewable energy, would be the most useful resources that can be applied to making energy recycling villages without using fossil energy. This study analyzed energy potential on solar energy considering weather condition in three traditional villages and compared with energy consumption surveyed. A photovoltaic system having 3.0kWp capacity of unit module can generate 182.5%, 96.1% and 170.9% of the yearly mean consumption of electric power in Makhyun, Boojang, and Soso, respectively. A flat-plate solar collector having area of unit module can generate warm water of /day, /day, and /day, respectively in three study villages. In Makhyun and Soso, photovoltaic power and warm water produced by solar energy were sufficient to supply required amount of electric power and warm water. However, both electric power and warm water produced by unit solar module were not sufficient in Boojang area, and so it is required to increase the module area by more than 50%. According to the results of this study, the appropriate combination of energy resources can be applied to rural green-village planning if the characteristic of energy potential for each local area is considered.