Review of Geometric algebra for computer science by Leo Dorst, Daniel Fontijne, and Stephen Mann (Morgan Kaufmann Publishers, 2007)
Stirling numbers of the second kind. The first time the reader sees the notation S(n, k) for these numbers is in problem 43 on page 96, but it says only in problem 44 on page 97 that S(n, k) is in fact called the Stirling numbers of the second kind. Further, these numbers appear on page 150 in a different form where the notation is kept but the name for the numbers is emphasized as if they were just being introduced. On page 165, we meet these numbers again emphasized and in a slightly different form without any mention that the reader has already met these numbers. On page 202, in example 6.5, the numbers are introduced again as if for the first time. In addition, in the chapter devoted to these numbers, one meets yet another definition of them (keeping the same notation) on page 278, but no explicit link is made, at least not right away, to the other definition(s) of the numbers throughout the book (the first one of which is the most typical one in introductory combinatorics courses). I believe that it would be nicer if the Stirling numbers of the second kind were introduced once somewhere in the beginning, to avoid possible confusion with equivalent definitions/properties of these numbers. Similar comments can be made about some other objects in the book. In any case, I believe that this is a nice book, though not the easiest one to read among introductory books in combinatorics because of many rather advanced, but interesting topics included in the second half of the book. This book indeed should be suitable for first year graduate students or advanced undergraduates.