Abstract The most dangerous beyond design basis accidents for RBMK reactors, leading to the worst consequences, are related to the loss of long-term heat removal from the core. Due to a specific design of RBMK, there are a few possibilities for heat removal from reactor core by non-regular means: removal of heat from graphite stack by reactor gas circuit, removal of heat from reactor core using control rods cooling circuit, depressurisation of reactor cooling system, supply of water into cooling system from low pressure water sources, etc. This paper presents the analysis of such heat removal by employing RELAP5, RELAP5-3D and RELAP/SCDAPSIM codes. The analysis was performed for Ignalina nuclear power plant with RBMK-1500 reactor. The analysis of result shows that the restoration of water supply into control rod channels enables to remove 10–30 MW of the generated heat from the reactor core. This amount of removed heat is comparable with reactor decay heat in long-term period and allows to slowdown the core heat-up process. However, the injection of water to reactor cooling system is considered as main strategy, which should be considered in RBMK-1500 accident management procedure.
E. Uspuras,et al.
Evaluation of Weak Heat Conduction Mechanism Model for Long-Term LOCAs in RBMK-1500
Algirdas Kaliatka,et al.
Application of RELAP/SCDAPSIM and COCOSYS Codes for Severe Accident Analysis in RBMK-1500 Reactor
Algirdas Kaliatka,et al.
Benchmark analysis of main circulation pump trip events at the Ignalina NPP using RELAP5 code
S. Paik,et al.
RELAP5-3D multidimensional heat conduction enclosure model for RBMK reactor application
Algirdas Kaliatka,et al.
Thermal-hydraulic analysis of accidents leading to local coolant flow decrease in the main circulation circuit of RBMK-1500
Algirdas Kaliatka,et al.
Development of accident management measures for RBMK-1500 in the case of loss of long-term core cooling