Proceedings of the 32nd ACM SIGPLAN-SIGACT Symposium on Principles of Programming Languages, POPL 2005, Long Beach, California, USA, January 12-14, 2005

This volume contains the papers presented at POPL'05, The Thirty-Second Annual ACM SIGPLAN-SIGACT Symposium on Principles of Programming Languages. The POPL conference is a forum for the discussion of fundamental principles and important innovations in programming languages and systems. This year's conference is in Long Beach, California.The call for papers for the conference gave separate deadlines for brief abstracts and for the corresponding papers, one week apart in July 2004. We received 211 abstracts and 172 papers. We expect that we would have received an even higher number of papers had we been more lenient in enforcing the deadlines. Two of the papers were subsequently withdrawn. The submissions were handled with Microsoft's Conference Management Toolkit, kindly administered for us at Microsoft. Each submission was assigned to at least three members of the program committee. In many cases, reviews were solicited from outside experts. The program committee discussed the submissions electronically and then during a meeting at Stanford University on September 9 and 10, 2004. Each submission was judged on its perceived importance, originality, clarity, and appropriateness to the expected audience. The program committee selected 31 papers for presentation. Because of the format of the conference and the high number of submissions, many good papers could not be included in the conference program.Although submissions were read and evaluated, the papers that appear in this volume may differ in form and contents from the corresponding submissions. Indeed, these papers may incorporate improvements suggested by the program committee; those improvements and other changes have not been subject to further review. In this and other respects, the conference selection process does not constitute a full review. It is expected that many of the papers printed here will be revised and submitted to refereed archival journals for publication.In addition to the contributed papers, the POPL'05 program includes lectures by Pat Hanrahan, Rob Pike, and Peter Selinger. The program committee invited them to speak with the goal of complementing the contributed presentations and enhancing the program. We are delighted that they could accept.