Experiment of Prototype High Voltage Bushing (PHVB) is an important step to validate the design of HV bushing (HVB) of DNB for its electrostatic performance. The experiment is performed considering scaled down configuration DNB HVB with similar operating parameters and maintaining comparable electric stresses. Applied voltage is restricted up to 60 kV considering it's scaled down configuration. To automate the entire experimental process and acquiring important experimental data for post analysis, a dedicated Data Acquisition and Control System (DACS) is designed. CRIO (compact reconfigurable input output) is a rugged, small sized hardware platform which combines the power of real time processor and FPGA bus. NI CRIO is now widely used as a controller for small scale experiments. For ensuring smooth control operation of the experiment; NI CRIO was selected as the controller for DACS of PHVB. In this paper the technical details of DACS design, implementation and test results are discussed.