Phase conjugate mirror system consisting of a rod amplifier and a nonlinear medium
The phase conjugate (PC) mirror system consisting of a rod amplifier and a nonlinear medium is presented and the theoretical analysis of the enhanced PC wave in the system is derived by taking into account of the overlap of the probe and counterpropagating PC wave in the amplifier. In order to examine experimentally the enhanced PC reflectivity in degenerate four wave mixing (DFWM) an amplifier is placed in the probe beam path. Experimental result of maximal R/R 90. 25 is obtained where R and R are PC reflectivities in the absence and presence of the amplifier respectively. The experimental results agree within 5 with the theoretical values. 1. THEORETICAL ANALYSIS Schematic digram of the PC mirror system consisting of an amplifier and a nonlinear medium is shown in Fig. 1. The phase distortion 4 is due to several effects such as inhomogemous pumping stress gain saturation thermal leasing and self-focusing/defocusing in the amplifier. 1 The amplifier is palced near the nonlinear medium so that the changes in phase (4) and gain (g) are negligible during the round trip time. Considering phase conjugation at the nonlinear medium the output signal SA8 over the input probe bA. is expressed as 8A ge+/ (ge14''A) J where R is PC reflectivity of nonlinear medium. There is no phase distortion term in output signal. Thus we obtain the following expression for the signal 6M photons/ 2