국내 아파트의 가변형 평면계획 경향 및 특성에 관한 연구

This study focuses on the design trends and characteristics of flexible housing unit plan. In this paper, flexible unit plans of 256 examples that are constructed or will be constructed from 1991 to 2005 on the basis of the initial year of dwelling are analyzed. Divided into 60㎡, 85㎡, 102㎡, 135㎡, 165㎡ and above 180㎡ areas, kinds, characteristics and trend of planning of flexible housing unit plan are analyzed with the frequency and percentage method. The results of this study are as follows; 16 types of flexible kinds; room and living room/room and room/ room, room and living room. Since 2000, various types of flexible planning have came into existence (12 types of 16 types). 3bay is next to 4bay in number of flexible housing planning. There are R/L type in 3bay, R/R type and R/L types in 4bay. Flexible space organization is differentiated various types in R/L and public-private space has expanded in many ways.