An Optimized Control Technique of Cascaded H-bridge Multilevel Active Front-ends

The paper is devoted to the investigation of a three-phase multilevel H-bridge PWM-Rectifier operating as a first stage of a back-to-back converter in high-power ac drives. First, a predictive control technique is described with reference to a 5-level converter. Starting from properly defined reference values, the algorithm pointed out allows the direct evaluation of the duty-cycles of all the voltage vectors involved in the VSR modulation. By means of the evaluated switching functions, at the end of every sampling interval the line-currents assume values practically equal to the imposed ones. Some unrestrictive hypotheses are introduced in order to efficaciously simplify the analytical expressions. As a second step, in the paper a specially designed modulation technique is shown. In addition to low values of dc-link voltage oscillations and of line-current distortion in steady-state operations together with high values of the power-factor, this modulation technique allows to keep balanced the different capacitor voltages, by properly using the intrinsic redundancy of the converter topology. Numerical results are presented with reference to some significant operative conditions in order to validate the theoretical considerations.

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