불확실성 정보가 맥주배송게임 기반의 공급사슬 수행도에 미치는 영향 평가

Information sharing is key to effective supply chain management. In reality, however, it is impossible to get perfect information. Accordingly, only uncertain information can be accessed in business environment, and thus it is important to deal with the uncertainties of information in managing supply chains. This study adopts meteorological forecast as a typical uncertain information. The meteorological events may affect the demands for various weather-sensitive goods, such as beer, ices, clothes, electricity etc. In this study, a beer distribution game is modified by introducing meterological forecast information provided in a probabilistic format. The behavior patterns of the modified beer supply chains are investigated for two conditions using the weather forecast with or without an information sharing. A value score is introduced to generalize the well-known performance measures employed in the study of supply chains, i.e., inventory, backlog, and deviation of orders. The simulation result showed that meterological forecast information used in an information sharing environment was more effective than without information sharing, which emphasizes the synergy of uncertain information added to the information sharing environment.