Strategies to Promote Energy-Efficient Motor Systems

Automation in industry and the tertiary sector is continuing to contribute to an increasing use of electricity by electric motors. The users of automated or mechanical systems are often not aware of the profitable electricity efficiency potentials available either from optimised operation of the systems or from optimal system design at the moment of reinvestment. In many cases, electric motors are used as reliable “servants” in hidden sites, where they cool air or fluids, compress air or other gases, ventilate air in offices, factories, subways or PC’s. Air-conditioned buildings, frozen food, compressed air for production purposes, pleasant subway stations and correctly functioning computers are commodities in daily life, and as long as these services are delivered properly, there are only a few areas in the application of electric motors where people care about the efficient use of electricity. Electricity bills are paid by others, not those who design the systems driven by electric motors, those who decide on the investment, or those who use the services of electric motor systems.