BioRIDIIg의 후방추돌 목상해지수 재현성 평가 연구

In recent years, neck injury in lower rear-end collision is big issue of the world. To reduce of neck injury in rear-end collision, USA, EC, Korea, Japan... internationally cooperated to make the GTR(global technical regulation) in UNECE/WP29. The end of 2008, after much meandering, GTR No. 9 Head restraints was established. But the GTR No.9 is not a perfect because many countries had own assertion especially US and EC. GTR N.9 composed 3 parts, the first is dimension & non-use position & removability, the second is static performance and the last is dynamic performance. Dummy problems(BioRIDII) were deeply discussed in dynamic performance part in GTR No.9. So, in this study were to test 4 times with BioRIDIIg in sled. To review of repeatability for neck injury indicators of BioRIDIIg.