In-line 맥동관 극저온 냉동기의 성능특성에 관한 실험적 연구

Stirling type pulse tube cryocoolers are very attractive for cooling of diverse applications because it has several inherent advantages such as no moving part in the cold end, low manufacturing cost and long operation life. In recent years, the pulse tube cryocooler have cooling capacities and thermal efficiencies comparable with the Stirling cryocooler. These advantages promote the widespread use of the pulse tube cryocooler in many fields, specially in space-borne application that require a long life and stable temperature. Pulse tube cryocooler for cooling infrared and cryo-sensors is currently under development at KIMM. Our coolers are specifically designed to work in the thermal imaging device and to meet requirements such as cooling capacity, COP and high reliability. This paper presents the results of a series of performance tests for the in-line type pulse tube cryocooler. Experimental investigations have been conducted to evaluate their performance characteristics with respect to several parameters such as the phase shifter, operating pressure and operating frequency of the linear compressor.