Information Infrastructure Systems for Manufacturing, Proceedings of the JSPE/IFIP TC5/WG5.3 Workshop on the Design of Information Infrastructure Systems for Manufacturing, DIISM '93, Tokyo, Japan, 8-10 November, 1993

Part 1 Keynote papers: architectures for integrating manufacturing activities and enterprises, T.J. Williams et al intelligent manufacturing systems - technical co-operation that transcends cultural differences, H. Yoshikawa. Part 2 Enterprise modelling frameworks: invited paper - the Purdue Enterprise Reference Architecture, T.J. Williams, CIMOSA - enterprise modelling and enterprise integration using a process-based approach, F. Vernadat, architecture of integrated information systems (ARIS), A.-W. Scheer GIM (GRAI integrated methodology) and its evolutions - a methodology to design and specify advanced manufacturing systems, G. Doumeingts et al. Part 3 Modelling tools and concepts: invited paper - enterprise formulae and information infrastructures for manufacturing, J. Goossenaerts towards a formal agent-oriented requirements definition of manufacturing systems, M. Derroitte et al enterprise process integration model and infrastructure, C. Bussler a social human activity model as an information infrastructure system, R. Atsumi an enterprise model as a design tool for information infrastructure, U. Graefe and W. Chan. Part 4 Requirements and case studies: invited paper - the role of information systems infrastructure in production management, K. Inagaki, information infrastructure requirements for preserving flexibility of flexible manufacturing systems, H. van Brussel and P. Valckenaers CIMOSA pilot implementation for technology transfer, B.R. Katzy et al the use of design management frameworks to support an information infrastructure for CIM, D.C.H. Sng et al a framework of intellectual infrastructure for complex product realization, Y. Shibata and T. Sumita conflicts in manufacturing systems - a problem setting, M. Horvath and A. Markus intelligent assembly system in distributed production environment, E. Arai et al NORMAN/DEBORA - a powerful CAD-integrating automatic sequencing system including advanced DOE/RSM techniques for various engineering optimization problems, R. Cartuyvels and L.H. Dupas optimized information structure for design and scheduling, R. Rentsch a product assembly and restoration planning system for ecologically conscious factories, S. Wong et al man-machine co-operation in real-time control - two case studies for future control systems, X. Gandibleux et al. Part 5 Information and communication technology: invited paper - a computer-supported framework for concurrent engineering - an approach based on virtual manufacturing, F. Kimura, time critical communication architecture in factory automation, N. Nakano, architectures for real-time intelligent control systems, M.G. Rodd et al engineering office systems for concurrent engineering, H. Masui et al co-operation issues in holonic manufacturing systems, S.M. Deen transaction model of automated guided vehicles, S. Hamada and M. Takizawa.