Teaching with Classroom Response Systems: Creating Active Learning Environments

Preface. The Author. 1. Engaging Students with Clickers. Generating Classwide Discussions. Generating Small-Group Discussions. Creating Times for Telling. Structuring Class Time. Making Class More Fun. 2. Assessing Students with Clickers. Uncovering Student Learning. Evaluating Student Learning. 3. A Taxonomy of Clicker Questions. Content Questions. Process Questions. 4. Teaching Choices. Use of Class Time. Writing Questions. Student Response, Participation, and Grading. Classroom Choices. Small Classes. 5. Technical and Logistical Choices. Technical Challenges. Vendor Selection and Adoption. Supporting and Promoting the Use of Clickers. Low-Tech Options. High-Tech Options. 6. Why Use Clickers? Increased Student Participation. Increased Student Engagement. Frequent Feedback on Student Learning. Final Suggestions. References. Index.