Taxonomic Studies on a Radio-resistant Pseudomonas

A radio-resistant Pseudomonas has been isolated from samples of normal unpolished and commercial rice grains. This species could be classified in chromogenic group of genus Pseudomonas. It’s taxonomic characteristics were found to be sufficiently different from all the described species in this genus to warrant it’s description as a new species and was named as Pseudomonas radiora nov. sp.The radio-resistance of this species was 10 to 40 times higher than that of ordinary species in the genus Pseudomonas such as Ps. fluorescens. The dose at D10 value of the strain No. O-l was ca. 0.14 Mrad, which is similar to that of the Micrococcus radiodurans, and that of the strain No. RP-C was ca. 0.06 Mrad in m/15 phosphate buffer.