Principles of Health and Safety in Agriculture
METHODOLOGIES IN RESPIRATORY OCCUPATIONAL SURVEILLANCE. Epidemiological Principles in the Identification of an Occupational Health Risk: Airways Obstruction in Grain Workers. Airborne Environmental Exposure, Lung Function, and Mortality. The Spirogram as the Basis for Lung Function Assessment in Epidemiological Studies. Factors Influencing Estimates of Annual Change in FEV1. Assessment of Airway Responsiveness in Working Populations. Carbon Monoxide Diffusing Capacity Standardization. Lung Disease in Farm Workers: Pathological Reactions. Assessment of Airways Inflammation by Bronchoalveolar Lavage. Use of Biologic Assays in Short-Term Assessment of Inhaled Substances. RESPIRATORY RISKS IN AGRICULTURE. Overview of Respiratory Health Risks in Agriculture. Respiratory Health in Farmers: Symptoms and Pulmonary Function. Toxic Gases from Manure Pits. Health Risks from Animal Confinement Units. Respiratory Risks in Poultry Farmers. Environmental and Health Studies of Workers in Swedish Swine Buildings. Respiratory Status and Environmental Exposure of Hog Confinement and Control Farmers in Ontario. Organic Dust Toxic Syndrome (Pulmonary Mycotoxicosis): A Review of the Experience in Central Wisconsin. A Study of Dust Generated During Silo Opening and Its Physiologic Effects on Workers. Hypersensitivity Pneumonitis Due to Aspergillus fumigatus in Papermill Workers. Respiratory Disease Risk Relative to Farmer's Lung Disease Antibody Status. The Prevalence of Respiratory Symptoms Among Farmers and Ranchers in Southeastern South Dakota. Pi Phenotype and the Development of Air Flow Obstruction in Saskatchewan Agricultural Workers. Acute Disorders Attributable to Exposure to Grain in Farmers. GRAIN DUST AND HEALTH. Overview of Adverse Pulmonary Effects of Grain Dust. A Study of the Pulmonary Histopathologic Effects of Chronic Grain Dust Exposure in Rabbits. Grain Dust and Alveolar Macrophages: An Experimental Study of the Effects of Grain Dust on the Mouse Lung. Cellular Immune Reactions to Grain Dust and Extracts of Grain Dust. Activation of Complement by Silage. Possible Sources of Complement-Fixing Activity in Grain Dust May Contain a Tannin-Like Material Which Fixes Complement. Effect of Short-Term Exposure to Grain Dust in Workers and Volunteers. Mycotoxins in Grains and Dust. Explosion Hazards in Facilities Handling Agricultural Products. Prospective Changes in Lung Function in Grain Elevator Workers in Large Terminals in Vancouver. Respiratory Profiles of Grain Handlers and Sedentary Workers. Effects of Grain Dust Exposure and Smoking on Respiratory Symptoms and Lung Function. Some Biological Components of Grain and Forage Dusts. The Threshold Limit Value for Grain Dust. OCCUPATIONAL ASTHMA. Occupational Asthma: An Overview. Occupational Asthma: Pathogenic Mechanisms. Occupational Asthma: Non-Allergic Airway Responsiveness. Occupational Asthma: Patient Assessment. Follow-Up Studies in Occupational Asthma. Grain Dust Asthma, Does It Exist? ENVIRONMENTAL ASSESSMENT AND HEALTH PROMOTION. Grain Dust Assessment in Country Elevators. Assessment of Dust Nature and Levels in the Grain Industry. Dust and Microbial Exposures During Silo Unloading. Environmental Assessment of Respiratory Hazards in the Poultry Industry. NIOSH Non-Textile Cotton Industry Study: An Industrial Hygiene Overview. Respiratory Protection for Use Against Organic Dusts. Single Cell Model Systems in Toxicology. A Bioassay Based on Yeast Cytotoxicity for the Detection of Trichothecene Mycotoxins of Agricultural Importance. A Health Surveillance and Health Promotion Program for Grain Workers. TOXICOLOGY AND HEALTH EFFECTS OF PESTICIDES. Registration of Pesticides in Canada Under the Pest Control Products Act. Assessment of Pesticide Toxicity: Regulatory Viewpoints. The Public Role in Pesticide Registration. Magnitude and Source of Airborne Residues of Herbicides in Saskatchewan. Immunotoxicity of 2,4-D. Kinetics and Components Involved in the Adsorption of 2,4-D by Soils. Mechanism of Respiratory Failure in Organophosphate Intoxication in Nonhuman Primates. The Fenitrothion Controversy: What is the Evidence? Ethylene Dibromide Residues in Flour. Summary of Recent Environmental Assessments of Exposure to Grain Fumigants at Export, Inland, and Country Elevators. Potential Consequences of a Fire in an Insecticide Storage Facility. Agricultural Chemical Hazards in Commercial Mushroom-Growing Operations. Characterization of Causes of Reproductive Failure Using Rat Embryo Cultures. CANCER RISKS IN AGRICULTURE. Ecogenetics and Agriculture. Cancer, Genes, and Agriculture. Lung Cancer in Saskatchewan Males. Cancer Among Farmers and Farm Laborers. Cancer Mortality in Iowa Farmers. Agricultural Exposures, Allergies, and Risk of Multiple Myeloma. Lymphatic and Hematopoietic Cancer Among Farmers. A Census-Based Record Linkage Study of Canadian Farmers. DERMATOSES AND ZOONOSES. Epidemiology of Occupational Skin Disease in Agriculture. The Role of Farm Animals in the Control of Zoonotic Skin Diseases in Man. Dermatophyte Infections in Farmers and Other Rural Residents in Saskatchewan. Epidemiology of Dermatophyte Infections in Saskatchewan. Cutaneous Exposure of Pesticide Spray Applicators. Epidemiology of Pesticide-Related Skin Disease in California Agriculture: 1978-1983. Risk Factors for Skin Cancer in Saskatchewan Farmers. PRINCIPLES OF SAFETY IN AGRICULTURE AND RELATED INDUSTRIES. Statistical Description of Agricultural Injuries in the United States. Mortality from Accidents in Farmers and Farm Laborers in British Columbia. Safety Risks of Ontario Farmers. Use of Job Design to Reduce Mechanical Stress on the Back. Prevention of Hearing Loss Among Farmers. Health Considerations in the Manufacture of Granular Fertilizers. Principles of Safety in the Formulation of Agricultural Chemicals. Protection Standards for Farm Workers in Texas-Protecting Farm Workers from Pesticides. The Practitioner's Role in Safety on the Farm. Health and Safety in Agriculture-The Farmer's Role in Safety on the Farm. Compensation Programs for Farmers. INJURIES IN AGRICULTURE AND RELATED INDUSTRIES. Injuries on Dairy Farms in Otsego County, New York: Results of Active Surveillance for One Year in an Established Cohort. Agricultural Injuries to the Upper Extremity. Amputations in Farming. Farm Machinery Accidents in Children. Child-Operated Motorcycle Accidents: The Pattern, Severity, and Sequelae of Injuries. Injuries from Farm Animals. Degenerative Knee Disease among Dairy Farmers. Low Back Pain in the Farmer-An Outline. Spinal Cord Injuries in Agricultural Workers. High-Pressure Injection Injuries in Farmers. Electrical Burns in Farmers. STRESS AND PSYCHIATRIC PROBLEMS IN RURAL AREAS. Farm Stress: Research Considerations. Rural Psychiatry: A Definition of the Field. The Epidemiology of Mental Illness in Rural Areas. Urban/Rural Differences in Depressive Disorders: A Quebecois Comparison. Priorities in Mental Health Planning. Innovations In Mental Health Service Delivery in Rural Areas. Neurotoxicity Testing of Agricultural Workers Exposed to Pesticides.