Luminescence and Absorption of Electron-Irradiated Common Optical Glasses, Sapphire, and Quartz

The results of an extensive investigation of the optical response of thirteen common optical materials to 2.5-MeV electron irradiation is reported. Radiation-induced absorption and absolute radioluminescence yields were measured in the wavelength range 0.14 to 0.9 ¿m for dose rates between 5 × 102 and 5 × 105 rad/sec at doses from 2.3 × 103 to 4.5 × 108 rads. Determinations were made of (a) the absolute radioluminescence yield, (b) the dose rate dependence yield, (c) the spectral and temporal distribution of the radioluminescence and induced absorption, (d) the growth curve of the induced absorption versus total dose, (e) the dose-rate dependence of the absorption, and (f) the bleaching of the absorption after irradiation. In addition, where available, samples from different melts were investigated to determine the variation in the above effects with manufacturing variations.