Preliminary study on the thorium-loaded accelerator-driven system with 100MeV protons at the Kyoto University Critical Assembly

Abstract At the Kyoto University Critical Assembly (KUCA), spallation neutrons generated by high-energy proton beams are injected into the thorium-loaded systems on March 2010. By combining the Fixed Field Alternating Gradient (FFAG) accelerator with the thorium-loaded system at KUCA, a series of the ADS experiments is carried out under conditions whereby the spallation neutrons are generated at a tungsten target by 100 MeV protons at an intensity of 30 pA. Prompt neutron behavior in the time evolution is observed and thorium fission reactions are attained through the experiments and calculations, respectively. And the effects of neutron leakage and spectrum softening are experimentally observed through the neutron multiplication and reaction rate analyses. From the experimental and numerical analyses, in the future, experimental conditions need to be improved to attain further neutron multiplication using the variation of fuels (thorium, highly-enriched and natural uranium) and moderators (graphite, polyethylene, aluminum and beryllium).

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