A biosensor is commonly defined as a self-contained analytical device that combine biological recognition system and a physiochemical transducer forthe detection of target molecules by converting recognition signal into detectable output signal. Majority of biosensing platforms generate measurable signal when a sensing element or probe in the detector interacts accurately with ananalyte of biological interest(DNA, biomarkers, cells, tissues, drugs or toxins etc).The probe: analyte interaction can be detected by various types of biosensor platforms, including electrochemical (amperometric and potentiometric), optical and calorimetric. Biosensor technology is constantly evolving to develop novel biosensors for point of care diagnostics. The emergence of nano-bioelectronic technologies has a great potential to lead to the development of next generation biosensors with improved sensitivity, specificity, portability and cost effectiveness. This mini review discusses about biosensors, their classifications, mechanisms involved in their function and their biomedical applications.