Haematological and serological data from dogs raised worm-free and monospecifically infected with helminths.

Pups free from helminth infection were obtained by treating the bitch prior to parturition, and the bitch and her pups after whelping, with oxfendazole and praziquantel. They were then housed in an area free from contamination with helminth eggs. Freedom from infection was confirmed by necropsy examinations and by serological tests using the Enzyme Linked Immunosorbent Assay (ELISA). Groups of pups were infected with Toxocara canis, Echinococcus granulosus, Taenia ovis, T. pisiformis and T. hydatigena and bled at 5-day intervals. Haematological examinations and measurement of serum proteins were performed on blood samples obtained throughout 30 days of infection. Levels of serum proteins were not significantly altered in any infection. Pups infected with T. canis showed a marked increase in numbers of circulating eosinophils during the phase of larval migration through the liver and lungs; they also showed marked antibody responses to T. canis larval ES antigen. Haematological values were not significantly altered in any other pups.

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