A comparative study on the clinical effects of flunitrazepam and lorazepam.

The clinical effects of flunitrazepam and lorazepam as oral premedicants were tested in a double-blind study in 81 gynaecological patients. Flunitrazepam showed a higher sedative effect (p < 0.05), but in regard to other parameters tested, no significant differences were found (sleep, apprehension, excitement, dizziness, emetic effect, headache, increase or decrease in systolic blood pressure, increase in pulse rate, venipuncture). In 9 per cent of the patients treated with lorazepam, a prominent muscular relaxation with slurred speech was observed, but in none of the cases treated with flunitrazepam. Our results support the earlier claims of flunitrazepam's relatively specific sedative property, but on the whole the difference in the clinical effects of these benzodiazepine derivatives is not marked.