실무자 조사를 통한 초고층 공동주택의 리모델링 방향에 관한 연구
A super high-rise apartment housing, the one of representative housing types in Korea, has a special character that prevent urban place from sprawling by vertical expansion. This study aims to suggest the design direction of remodeling for sustainable super high-rise apartment housing through analyzing the priority of various remodeling factors. It is necessary for establishing the direction of future sustainable remodeling to organize hierarchical structure of remodeling guideline in super high-rise apartment housing and survey for the various practicing professionals. Therefore, the remodeling factors are rebuilt through previous studies and bibliographies for AHP(Analytic Hierarchy Process) method. The hierarchical structure of this study is composed of 5 factors-A)convenience, B)internal/external appearance, C)increase of effective area, D)sustainability, E)economical value- and 26 criteria that are adjusted to each factor through analyzing previous studies that include Green Building I Certification, CASBEE and LEED. The criteria are consisted of 109 architectural elements. As a results, the priority of the design direction of remodeling for sustainable super high-rise apartment housing is in order of: A)convenience, D)sustainability, E)economical value, C)increase of effective area, B)internal/external appearance.