1. In 1923 Eggenberger and Pólya introduced the following ‘urn scheme’ as a model for the development of a contagious phenomenon. A box contains b black and r red balls, and a ball is drawn from it at random with ‘double replacement’ (i.e. whatever ball is drawn, it is returned to the box together with a fresh ball of the same colour); the procedure is then continued indefinitely. A slightly more complicated version with m-fold replacement is sometimes discussed, but it will be sufficient for our purposes to keep m = 2 and it will be convenient further to simplify the scheme by taking b = r = 1 as the initial condition. We shall however generalise the scheme in another direction by allowing an arbitrary number k(≧2) of colours. Thus initially the box will contain k differently coloured balls and successive random drawings will be followed by double replacement as before. We write s n (a k-vector with jth component ) for the numerical composition of the box immediately after the nth replacement, so that and we observe that is a Markov process for which the state-space consists of all ordered k-ads of positive integers, the (constant) transition-probability matrix having elements determined by where S n is the sum of the components of s n and (e(i)) j = δ ij . We shall calculate the Martin boundary for this Markov process, and point out some applications to stochastic models for population growth.
J. Snell,et al.
Martin boundaries for certain Markov chains
F. Bonsall.
On the Representation of Points of a Convex Set
G. A. Hunt.
Markoff chains and Martin boundaries
Takesi Watanabe.
On the theory of Martin boundaries induced by countable Markov processes
Takesi Watanabe.
A probabilistic method in Hausdorff moment problem and Laplace-Stieltjes transform.
J. Doob,et al.
Discrete Potential Theory and Boundaries
W. Feller,et al.
An Introduction to Probability Theory and its Applications
W. Feller.
An Introduction to Probability Theory and Its Applications
Feller William,et al.
An Introduction To Probability Theory And Its Applications
D. Kendall.
Stochastic Processes and Population Growth
G. Pólya,et al.
Über die Statistik verketteter Vorgänge
Edmund Taylor Whittaker,et al.
A Course of Modern Analysis