The CMS Silicon Tracker Detector: an overview of the R&D current status

AbstractThe paper describes the Silicon Tracking System of the Compact Muon Solenoid (CMS) and reviewsthe most recent results of the R&D activity on radiation resistant microstrip silicon detectors. TheSilicon Tracker of CMS consists of 5 layers of microstrip detectors in the barrel and 10 disks oneither side of the end-cap region. The detectors of the innermost layers (22.5 cm radial distance fromthe beam pipe) are required to operate up to an integrated fluence of 1:61014 1-MeV-equivalentneutrons per cm 2 . The results, obtained with single-sided prototypes irradiated with a neutron fluenceup to 21014 n/cm 2 in terms of signal-to-noise ratio, efficiency and spatial resolution are described.We also show a comparison between device simulations, laboratory measurements and experimentalresults. Lastly we describe the complex system prototypes which have been recently built to addressthe system aspects of such a large silicon tracker.Presented at Hiroshima@Melbourne, Melbourne, December 10, 1997Submitted to Nuclear Instruments and Method