The MIR Voronoi diagram appears with the notion of good illumination introduced in [3, 4]. This illumination concept generalizes well-covering [7] and triangle guarding [9]. The MIR Voronoi diagram merges the notions of proximity and convex dependency. Given a set S of planar light sources, for each point q in the plane we search for the subset Sq ⊂ S nearest to q and such that q is an interior point of the convex hull of Sq. The furthest point to q in Sq is called the Minimum Illumination Range point (MIR point) of q with respect to S. The MIR Voronoi diagram splits the interior of the convex hull of S into several regions, associating each point in S to its MIR point. This diagram is motivated by optimization problems on good illumination.
Manuel Abellanas Oar,et al.
Good illumination of points and line segments with limited range lights
William S. Evans,et al.
Triangle Guarding
Joseph S. B. Mitchell,et al.
Approximation algorithms for two optimal location problems in sensor networks
2nd International Conference on Broadband Networks, 2005..
Herbert Edelsbrunner,et al.
Algorithms in Combinatorial Geometry
EATCS Monographs in Theoretical Computer Science.
Jorge Urrutia,et al.
Art Gallery and Illumination Problems
Handbook of Computational Geometry.