Perbandingan Algoritma Enkripsi GGHN(8,8) dan RC4 Untuk Video Conference
Encryption is a solutions to secure the information transmitted through the medium of communication that can not be intercepted by unauthorized parties. This study implemented two algorithms i.e. RC4 and GGHN (8.8) in video conference. This study compared the speed of both encryption and decryption of the encryption algorithm, and perform measurements of bandwidth . From the results of measurements of the speed can be concluded that the RC4 algorithm is 1.53 times and 1.34 times faster than GGHN(8,8) for encryption and decryption audio data. The encryption and decryption video data RC4 are 1.44 times and 1.09 times faster than GHN(8,8). Bandwidth usage for video conferencing without encryption and bandwidth usage on a video conference with RC4 encryption and GGHN (8.8) is the same. Keywords: Video Conference; RC4; GGHN(8,8); Real Time Protocol.