Advanced Gun Fire Control System (AGFCS). Design Study (Phase II). Volume III. Appendix B. ATS Range Sensor Design Description.
Abstract : This volume describes in detail the ATS range sensor design. It is based for the most part on the subcontractor's final report with some clarification and minor additions added during review and AGFCS Phase II final report preparation. The AGFCS Phase II Augmented Tracking System (ATS) is unique in that the central ATS computer is utilized to optimize angle and range sensor information processing. The range sensor selected for the ATS is the Solid State Range-Only Radar (SSR-1) being developed at General Electric, AESD, Utica, New York. The SSR-1 radar parameters (frequency, power output, etc.) are compatible with the ATS application. Thus the principal subcontracted activity has been addressed to adapting the basic radar to interface with the central ATS computer.