Cities and Low Carbon Transitions

1. Introduction Harriet Bulkeley, Vanesa Castan Broto, Mike Hodson and Simon Marvin Part I 2. The Role of Cities in Technological Transitions: Analytical Clarifications and Historical Examples Frank Geels 3. Governing Urban Low Carbon Transitions Harriet Bulkeley, Vanesa Castan Broto and Anne Maassen 4. The Carbon Calculus and Transitions in Urban Politics and Political Theory Aidan While 5. Can Cities Shape Socio-Technical Transitions and How Would We Know If They Were? Mike Hodson and Simon Marvin Part II 6. Urban Energy Transitions in Chinese Cities Shobhakar Dhakal 7. The 'Eco-Cities' Freiburg and Graz: The Social Dynamics of Pioneering Urban Energy and Climate Governance Philipp Spath and Harald Rohracher 8. The Rise of Post-Nnetworked Cities in Europe? Recombining Infrastructural, Ecological and Urban Transformations in Low-Carbon Transitions Olivier Coutard and Jonathan Rutherford 9. Living Laboratories For Sustainability: Exploring The Politics and Epistemology of Urban Transition James Evans and Andrew Karvonen 10. Municipal Bureaucracies and Integrated Urban Transitions to a Low Carbon Future Alex Aylett 11. Community-led Urban Transitions and Resilience: Performing Transition Towns in a City Amanda Smith 12. Building Liveable Cities: Urban Low Impact Developments as Low Carbon Solutions? Jenny Pickerill 13. Conclusions Mike Hodson, Simon Marvin, Harriet Bulkeley and Vanesa Castan Broto