Determination of mass properties of polygonal CSG objects in parallel

A parallel algorithm for determining the mass properties of objects represented in the Constructive Solid Geometry (CSG) scheme that uses polygons as primitives is presented. The algorithm exploits the fact that integration of local information around the vertices of the evaluated polygon is sufficient for the determination of its mass properties, i.e., determination of the edges and the complete topology of the evaluated polygon is not necessary. This reduces interprocessor communication and makes it suitable for parallel processing. The algorithm uses data parallelism, spatial partitioning and parallel sorting for parallelization. Tuple-sets on which simple operations have to be performed are identified. The elements of tuple-sets are distributed among the processors for parallelization. The uniform grid spatial partitioning technique is used to generate sub-problems that can be done in parallel and to reduce the cardinality of some of the tuple-sets generated in the algorithm. Parallel sorting is used ...