Hybrid energy management for islanded networked microgrids considering battery energy storage and wasted energy

Abstract The penetration of renewable energy sources in the distribution systems had been led to the rapid development of microgrids. In this paper, a two-level energy management strategy is proposed to optimize the operation costs of the islanded networked microgrids and manage uncertainties. The proposed hybrid energy scheduling considers the surplus and shortage powers to determine the transactive energy among microgrids. To achieve this goal, we define the adjustable power concept (increasing or decreasing the production of controllable distributed generators) for the microgrids to determine the optimal transactive energy. At the lower-level of the optimization framework, an autonomous operation scheduling is performed to minimize the total operation cost of each microgrid. The global optimization is performed at the upper-level of optimization to minimize the total operating costs of the networked microgrids. The primary energy management of microgrids is rescheduled in the lower-level to ensure the best plan for the system. Also, various demand response programs have been applied to the model to enhance the flexibility of the microgrids. The proposed model has been tested on a standard case study for different scenarios. The simulation results show that the proposed model reduces the operating cost of the system by 174.75$.

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