The Computer Tutor in the New Model of Learning and Teching Control Principles

An approach to the modeling of instruction process is presented. It is the result of the study of computer tutor and it’s functioning as the control unit in the instruction system. The folowing tasks of control unit are considered: (1) monitoring, i.e. measuring and diagnosing student knowledge, (2) determining of differences between actual student knowledge and the referent model one, (3) managing activities’ states, and (4) the new knowledge transfer or remediation. The model serves as a basis for developnment of intelligent hypermedial authoring shell Tutor - Expert System (TEx-Sys). In this work the TEx-Sys was applied for learning ad teaching of domain knowledge of system thinking and control principles. The domain knowledge is presented in the form of natural language. It is decomposed and formalized by an expert, and stored in the knowledge base SYSTEM. The first student’s task is understading of decomposed and formalized of textual description. The formalisation is done by semantic networks with frames. Then, the login and learning and teaching of domain knowledge follow. Examination procedure consists of selection, presentation and solution of the problems in knowledge testing module. Student model is developed by overlaying the knowledge in the SYSTEM and in the knowledge base in which student’s solving procedures of selecting promlems are buil it. The mark is presented with quantitative and qualitative qualifiers and recommendation for the future work.