Design tables for URM / Hilfsmittel für die praxisnahe Bemessung von unbewehrtem Mauerwerk

Due to the coming introduction of Eurocode 6 (DIN EN 1996) in Germany many structural engineers ask for design assistances in order to apply the regulations and to accomplish the calculations in a cost-effective manner. At the same time however, such design tables must result in efficient solutions with respect to the materials used because masonry has to compete with other building materials. This article adresses this issue. Design tables to determine the load bearing capacity using the very simplified and simplified calculation methods in accordance with DIN EN 1996-3/NA are presented. Additionally diagrams for assessing the required minimum load on external walls exposed to wind loads and for determining the size of basement walls subjected to lateral earth pressure are given. This leads to the conclusion that, in almost all practical cases, it is possible to determine the cross-section resistance of unreinforced masonry in accordance with Eurocode 6 quickly and effectively while still making the best possible use of the materials employed.