[Ultrasound guided forceps biopsy of the pleura].
Between cytology of pleural effusion and thorascopy there is a gap for another non invasive biopsy method to diagnose pleural diseases, especially since Adam's and Ramel's blind pleural biopsy is uncommon. Therefore it is suggestive to test feasibility and usefulness of pleural forceps biopsy.
It is possible to take biopsies under ultrasound guidance with the help of a biopsy-forceps from the diaphragmatic pleura or pleural appositions through a 2.5 mm canula with a stop cock and a rubber vent. The specimen can be used for histological or immunohistochemical examinations. The procedure is coducted in a closed system to avoid pneumothorax. The puncture was done in 12 patients with a puncturable pleural effusion.
In 11 of 12 patients it was possible to get the final diagnosis. In one of three cases of mesotheliomas a rebiopsy was necessary. In 9 cases a malign tumor was diagnosed, effusion cytology was negative in 4 of 7 tumors. In 5 patients with a history of a former tumor pleural carcinosis was related three times correctly to the former cancer and twice to a secondary cancer. In one case a fibrous plaque was found. There were two patients with pleuritis, in one case a pulmonary tuberculosis was found 8 weeks later. In one patient with a mesothelioma inoculated metastasis were present in the sites of the punctures. In all pleural forceps punctures we got enough biopsy material for histological and immunohistochemical diagnosis.
The ultrasound guided forceps biopsy of the pleura is a very promising less invasive method to diagnose pleural tumors. Additional improvements of the equipment are possible. Definitive evaluation of the procedure especially in infectious pleural diseases requires a higher number of cases.