Quantitative 3-D Imaging, Segmentation and Feature Extraction of the Respiratory System in Small Mammals for Computational Biophysics Simulations
One of the critical steps toward performing computational biology simulations, using mesh based integration methods, is in using topologically faithful geometry derived from experimental digital image data as the basis for generating the computational meshes. Digital image data representations contain both the topology of the geometric features and experimental field data distributions. The geometric features that need to be captured from the digital image data are three-dimensional, therefore the process and tools we have developed work with volumetric image data represented as data-cubes. This allows us to take advantage of 2D curvature information during the segmentation and feature extraction process. The process is basically: 1) segmenting to isolate and enhance the contrast of the features that we wish to extract and reconstruct, 2) extracting the geometry of the features in an isosurfacing technique, and 3) building the computational mesh using the extracted feature geometry. “Quantitative” image reconstruction and feature extraction is done for the purpose of generating computational meshes, not just for producing graphics "screen" quality images. For example, the surface geometry that we extract must represent a closed water-tight surface.