Model of Optical Non-blocking Information Processing System for Next-Generation Telecommunication Networks

The authors propose the new principle of optical information processing systems construction and the new method for parallel transmission of information and control signals, which can improve the performance of next generation telecommunication networks and all-optical supercomputing systems. The advantages of the new systems are a decentralized control of switching process and non-blocking switching scheme [1, 2]. Here the authors present the set-theoretical model of the \(16\times 16\) switch for the first time, describe the structure and the algorithm of the system and present the bipartite directed graph of the switch. The proposed system has low complexity in compared with well-known ones. To prove this important property of the system we have carried out numerical calculations of our schemes and well-known tunable one of a kind non-blocking Clos scheme complexity. The calculation results showed that the complexity of the developed schemes is 1.5–3 times less than the Clos schemes.