The Smoking Consequences Questionnaire-Adult: Measurement of Smoking Outcome Expectancies of Experienced Smokers.

The original Smoking Consequences Questionnaire (SCQ ; T. H. Brandon & T. B. Baker, 1991) measured college students' outcome expectancies for cigarette smoking. A version (SCQ-Adult) was needed for assessing expectancies in more typical, older, nicotine-dependent smokers. Two separate versions of the SCQ were developed and compared. Tests of construct validity provided greater support for the version comprising probability items over the version comprising subjective expected utility items. As expected, principal components analyses revealed a greater number of factors than the original SCQ, suggesting that expectancies become more specific with smoking experience. All scales showed good reliability. Over the course of smoking cessation treatment, expectancies became less positive, especially for abstaining participants. Other validity tests also tended to be consistent with research on alcohol expectancies and with contemporary models of drug outcome expectancies.

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