Sexuality in third age in the perception of a female elderly group and indications for the environmental education.

Since the 70s, the elderly population grows in proportional terms, more than any other age group in Brazil. But even the sex in old age is trivialized by society and even the elderly live with false myths and taboos, acquired by repressive education received in the past. This study aims to investigate the knowledge of the older group “Ande bem com a Vida,” about sexuality, knowledge and prevention of STD / AIDS. As the methodology, we used the descriptive qualitative approach. From the data collected in semi-structured interviews, it was observed that for the majority of elderly consider sexual intercourse and being synonymous, although we note that almost all respondents believe it is possible to have an active sex life and healthy in old age, but more worrying was given regarding the use of condoms after 50 years, none of the respondents using this method. Today the way in which these elderly face their sexuality is a reflection of the repressive education received in the past, and as a result of having many doubts, fears and prejudices on this subject, making it impossible to enjoy their sexuality in this time of life. Then it highlights the need to bring information about sexuality in this age group, allowing the acquisition of knowledge on the subject, shattering the myths, taboos and misinformation.