An evaluation of automatically generated briefings of patient status.

We report on an evaluation of MAGIC, a system that automatically generates briefings of patient status after coronary bypass surgery, completed in the Cardio Thoracic Intensive Care Unit at New York Presbyterian Hospital. Through enhancements in system design, robustness and speed, we compared information obtained by nurses against two briefings, one automatically generated by MAGIC and one provided by physicians upon the patient's arrival to the ICU. Our results show that MAGIC and the physician briefing provide a substantial increase in the amount of information than is available prior to the patient's arrival and that the information MAGIC provides is accurate. In many aspects, MAGIC out-performs the physician briefing; information is reported earlier and is always available. We conclude that MAGIC provides the CT ICU staff early on with a better assessment of the patient's status than in current practice and allows them to better prepare for the patient's arrival.