부산-거제간 연결도로 민자사업 침매터널 설계 및 시공계획

The Busan-Geoje Fixed Link is a major infrastructure project currently entering construction in South Koera. The project links the island of Geoje with its industry and tourist attractions to Busan Metropolitan City. The main structures of the fixed link are two cable stayed bridges, two rock tunnels and an immersed tunnel. The total length of the fixed link is 8.2㎞, and the immersed tunnel is 3.2㎞. The immersed tunnel will be the deepest tunnel built using the concrete segmental immersed tunnel system. At the ends of the tunnel is placed either partly or fully above existing seabed on artificial underwater embankments which require improvement of the underlying marine clay. The immersed tunnel is constructed as a concrete tunnel and is connecting two artificial islands containing service buildings and ramp structures, one at the Jungjuk/Daejuk Island and one at the Gaduk Island. Special consideration is given to the durability and water tightness of the tunnel with more than 48meters water pressure. Further design and construction challenges include foundation of the tunnel on Cement Deep Mixing(CDM), a seismic active region, up to 9m swell waves.