Холера: эпидемиологическая обстановка в мире в 2005-2014 гг., прогноз на 2015 г

Cholera epidemiological situation around the world (2005-2014) has been assessed. Distribution of infection in the territory of African, Asian, and American countries, as well as in the Caribbean Region has been shown. Interstate and inter-continental importations of cholera in Europe, Australia, and America, including USA and Canada have taken place during this period. Epidemic process is spatially disseminated (with involvement and affection of new countries and administrative territories) and temporally chronic (America, the Caribbean Region; Africa) due to occurring of natural or social emergency situations. Alongside epidemics and outbreaks of the disease, caused by genetically altered variants of V. cholerae O1 El Tor and strains with multiple drug resistance, outbreaks with isolation of clinical strains of V. cholerae O139 serogroup take place in the Southeast Asia (China) on an annual basis. The forecast for 2015, as regards cholera in the world, stays unfavorable, which in its turn allows for the possibility to import this infection in the territory of the Russian Federation.