Evaluation of a video on advanced differential equations (Picard's method) developed based on cognitive load learning theory

Over the years, video has been adopted as one of the most effective learning materials. Ranging from usability to attraction, video has been increasingly used today in line with the current technological developments. The introduction of video websites such as Youtube , Google video, Vimeo and TeacherTube has led to the growth of number in digital video materials as well as ‘tip of your finger’ access to them which can be selected from various quality and content available to both students and educators. This paper discuss on the evaluation of a video for learning Advanced Differential Equations (ADE) course for Picard’s Method subtopic developed based on Cognitive Load Theory. Previous studies indicated that within the human brain, short-term memory limits the number of things or elements that can be remembered and interpreted by an individual. Cognitive load takes place when the number of elements to interpret is above the range allowed by the human brain. The video which was developed based on the elements in Cognitive Load Theory aimed to provide a suitable teaching aid for the process of teaching and learning in the mentioned topic. Ten undergraduate students from Faculty of Education, Universiti Teknologi Malaysia were randomly selected for this study. The respondents were asked to evaluate the video quantitatively using the evaluation forms provided. Data obtained showed that most of the students agreed that the video has a positive impact on learning the topic in terms of cognitive load.