가스하이드레이트 산업시스템 실용화 현황 및 동향 분석

In Japan, research and development were undertaken on gas hydrate-side industrial processes associated with power generation system connections that may particularly be necessary to develop gas hydrated technology-based industrial systems. In so doing, data and engineering technologies useful n formulating guidelines on design of practical process were accumulated. In addition, basic research into theoretical evidence were carried out to promote and support the development of technological elements for those processes. In basic research designed to promote and support the research and development of elemental technologies, microanalyses were conducted to understand the decomposition mechanism of mixed gas hydrate. Moreover, measurement technologies that can be applied in industrial processes, such as numerical analyses and concentration measurement, were examined. Japan has developed a highly efficient gas hydrate formation process using micro-bubbles with a tubular reactor. Higher formation rate over conventional systems has been obtained by the process. As mentioned above, the technical problems were clarified and the economics were studied from a view point of the NGH technology in this study. The results can be applied for utilization and must contribute to popularization of gas hydrate production.